Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Quickie post before I leave

Hello I don't have a lot of things to report on, our host Chris Pluger, is not feeling good with malaria.  He is taking the treatment for it but it can be days yet before it resides.  Last night he was having some hallucinations, and the intermittent fever and chills.  So he will not be taking us to the pastors conference as planned, but Jeanine (Chris' wife, also our host) will be taking us half way to Chipata and one of the missionaries, Jon Hartman will meet us half way and take us back to the conference.  There will be a paper by a native pastor talking about local funeral practices and we will be talking about other issues as well.  We won't be going until later today after one of the papers.  So we have some time here in Petauke to go for a walk and enjoy the nice warm day here.  And then at 4 we head on over to the conference.  Because we will not have our own car we will not be leaving early like we had planned, we will be leaving at the end of the conference on early Friday morning, the missionary John Hartman will be taking us back because it is on his way back home.  So I'm just making this little post even though very little has happened since my last post, but it'll be a couple of days before I'll be able to blog again.  Take care I'll be back with more pictures.  Here are some more pictures from the safari because I don't have any new pictures to load.  This first picture might look kind of boring but look very closely at it, and I think you can click on the image and view it at full sized, there is something in this picture see if you can find it.

And of course i have to include another picture of Dodger's uncle, here he is enjoying the view of the lion.

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